Friday, February 10, 2012

Rocking Your World

This is not my idea, but it is revolutionary. This idea comes from the Lovely Susan's hippie sister who seriously lives in a commune and possibly a yurt, but the yurt part might be extrapolation on my part. Here is the amazing idea:

There. Are you sufficiently amazed and awed?
I thought so. 

For those of you not cool enough to understand what that is, it is all my veggie scraps that I saved in the freezer for a couple weeks. There are onion skins, dried out ginger root, wilted celery stalks, potato and carrot peelings, cauliflower butts, chard trimmings, bell pepper name it. Here it is boiling in a bunch of water for awhile. I know you like super precise instructions. You're welcome. I filled the pot and boiled it til it looked like broth - is that better? 

Then I poured the cooled broth into mason jars, frozen them, put lids on them, and now I don't ever need to buy broth again! But don't forget the cooling part, otherwise you'll end up with a bunch of broken mason jars. Not that I know that from experience. Ahem. Happy brothing!!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Two Small Things

Thing the First:
I'm sure I've shared this before. The almost-five-year-old won't eat what I make for dinner. In fact she has even taken "tasting bites," declared it "yummy," and  promptly refused to eat anymore. She will state, "I don't like what's for dinner" before I even know what's for dinner. So imagine my shock when I turned around the other night and she had hoovered up the half portion of these corn bites before I had even sat down, and was politely asking for more. She ate two and a half. The rest of us enjoyed them too. I made them in my popover pan. They are not what one would call "healthy," but if it gets a vegetable into my child at dinner with no screaming, I'll make them every damn week.

Thing the Second:
Just an update on the quinoa burgers that we already loved. I made them last night substituted half a red pepper and a handful of spinach, both minced, for the shredded carrot. Even better than before. I am now envisioning shoving all kinds of random veg in these. I also omitted the sugar (which I used instead of Splenda) and saw no difference.