Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spanish Chicken Redux (and other sundry updates)

Hey! Remember this:
  Chicken and Spanish Rice ?

Husband and Cousin liked it, I thought it was fairly meh. But do you know what I did last night?? I used the left over rice that I had frozen. I thawed it out, browned up two bone-in skin-on chicken breasts in about two tablespoons of butter and a tablespoon of olive oil. Then I threw in the rice and an extra handful of olives, covered and cooked until done. SO MUCH BETTER. Seriously. The extra fat (probably), the extra cooking? I dunno. But, yum. Even the baby loved the rice.

In other news -

Big hits so far:
Bulgur Stuffed Peppers
Italian Polenta Casserole
White Chili
Morroccan Root Veggie Stew
Hawaiian Chicken

After three weeks of deliveries for 5 days a week, the Cuz reports three meals still sitting in the freezer (you know, life happens). Interestingly, one of those in her freezer is shrimp fried rice, which is still sitting in my freezer as well. Hmmmm....perhaps there is some part of the human psyche that rejects frozen shrimp fried rice? Surely it's not just chance...maybe fate?The hand of God? Anyway. We're going to take a break next week.

This week I'm cooking one night at a time because I'm doing a jailbreak on Friday and going to Madison with Best Friend. No kids!!! Hot tub!!! And we're going to eat here. Which I'm so excited about, because I like eating even more than I like cooking.

Cooking for the body:
I think the olive oil facial cleansing thing works pretty well on my dry cheeks and black-head prone nose and chin. But for some reason is clogging my totally normal forehead!

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